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cover The Next Decade
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The Next Decade

George Friedman
Random House Usa Inc

The next decade will be a time of massive transition. The wars in the Islamic world will be dying down, and terrorism will become something we learn to live with. China will be encountering its crisis. Turkey and Japan will be charting independent courses and Poland will be facing a renewed Russia, while the European Union faces massive internal strains. We will be moving from a time when financial crises dominate the world, to a time when labor shortages will begin to dominate. The new century will be taking shape. Above all, American power will be tested, and while it will endure, it will require extraordinary skills of the decade's President to navigate the waters. When we look at the world from the standpoint of a century, individuals and their decisions don't matter much. Looked at in a decade, individuals will matter a great deal. This book will be about the next decade, but it will also be about the President and other world leaders, and the complex chess game they will have to play. It will also be a book that raises the question: how to be a good President in a decade of extraordinary challenges. In looking at great Presidents like Lincoln or FDR, two things can be seen. First, they had deep moral intentions. Second, they were completely ruthless and unprincipled in pursuing those ends. Lincoln allied with slave states and violated the constitution and human rights. Roosevelt lied to the American people, spied on Congress, allied with a homicidal maniac (Joseph Stalin), and arrested thousands without warrants, many of whom were executed. But Lincoln destroyed slavery and Roosevelt destroyed Hitler. This book examines both what the next decade will look like, and also the character that successful Presidents will have to have in order to guide the nation. The combination of moral principle and ruthless execution is the key. Embedded in The Next 100 Years was the idea that leaders do what they have to do. This book will put those leaders under a microscope to explain how they will arrive at the things they will do.

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