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Toon op IMDB
Vincent Lannoo
Carlo Ferrante
Vera Van Dooren
Pierre Lognay
Fleur Lise Heuet
Bénédicte Bantuelle
Batiste Sornin
Selma Alaoui
Arnaud Maillard
Paul Ahmarani
Julien Doré
Alexandra Kamp-Groeneveld
Thomas Coumans
Vincent Lannoo
Florette Fichefet
Olivier Masset-Depasse
Paul Absil
Ian Lauzon
Catherine Cédilot
Ian Lauzon
Eliott Ventadour
Chloé Périlleux
Karim Barras
Marc Zinga
Marco Zagaglia
Griff Williams
Astrid Whettnall
Eddy Klima
Joffrey Verbruggen
Aurélien Ringelheim
Emma Lannoo-Bourton
Jean-Baptiste Heuet
Jean-Charles De La Faille
Naïm Vandenbreede

Vincent Lannoo’s ‘mockumentary’ shows us a community of vampires in Belgium. The two ‘parents’ of the family are George and Bertha, who have two teenage children – or rather, they raise two former humans who they turned into vampires. Son Samson is a bit of a jack the lad: enjoying the sexual freedom of vampire life, with all the vigour of an irresponsible young adult regardless of consequences (even incest is not frowned upon in their world, where the word ‘wife’ is often synonymous with ‘mother’ or ‘sister’). Daughter Grace yearns for humanity in a different way: applying fake tan to get rid of her vampiric pallor, dressing in pink clothes, wishing she could feel emotion and even having a human boyfriend.

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